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The Triple Vagal Method® (TVM™) was developed after 7 years of applied research and thousands of documented sessions.


The Triple Vagal Method® is a bottom-up, somatic trauma transformation method that aims to heal trauma by releasing it from the body while increasing vagal tone; to complete the trauma cycle to heal dysregulation and disassociation, and to restore a feeling of safety in the body.


This is is achieved through a calculated and patented process that provides a "dial in" to the autonomic nervous system, facilitating the release of stored incomplete charges (what we call "trauma"). while flooding the body with therapeutic levels of the hormone oxytocin, acting as a temporary anesthetizer and neural toner. This helps to create "switch-offs" - a turning off of the sympathetic nervous system states, allowing the body to complete the trauma cycles that it hasn't been able to process in the past. 





TVM™ is an applied modality based on the polyvagal theory as developed by Stephen Porges. We understand that the body stores different types of trauma in different parts of the nervous system, soft tissue and even organs. All that may be released through physical stimulation of the vagus nerve to rapidly switch from sympathetic (threat or survival mechanism) to the parasympathetic system (rest and digest); helping the body to release unresolved trauma safely, effectively and rapidly.


TVM safely and actively engages the nervous system, and particularly the vagus nerve, in each session, to manually stimulate oxytocin release in a calculated approach to rebuild vagal tone. This is done through structured and controlled surges and allowances of time to facilitate neuroplasticity and reprogram a new baseline of neural-pathways for trauma responses in the body. 


Finally, our teachings also incorporate elements of ancient somatic embodiment practices and modern day neuroscience for maximum effectiveness.



Oxytocin: The "Love Hormone"

Oxytocin, often referred to as the "love hormone," is a neuropeptide known for its role in social bonding, trust, and attachment. Traditionally associated with labor and lactation, oxytocin is now recognized for its involvement in a broader range of physiological and psychological functions. Recent research has revealed that oxytocin influences social behaviors, empathy, stress regulation, and even wound healing. It also behaves as a natural pain killer for both physical and emotional trauma and distress.


Fascia: The Body's Connective Tissue Network

Fascia, a pervasive and intricate web of connective tissue, is present throughout the body, enveloping muscles, organs, and nerves. Previously thought of as a passive support structure, fascia is now understood to be a dynamic and highly responsive system. It provides structural integrity, transmits forces, and plays a crucial role in movement, coordination, and proprioception.


The Vagus Nerve: The Body's Information Superhighway

The vagus nerve, one of the longest cranial nerves, plays a vital role in regulating many aspects of our physiology, including heart rate, digestion, respiration, and emotional responses. Often referred to as the "wandering nerve," it connects the brain to numerous organs and tissues, serving as a two-way communication channel between the brain and the body. The vagus nerve also acts as a major component of the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting rest, relaxation, and recovery.


How Oxytocin Connects Fascia and the Vagus Nerve

Recent scientific inquiries have explored the intriguing relationship between oxytocin, fascia, and the vagus nerve. Studies suggest that oxytocin receptors are present in fascial tissues throughout the body, indicating a direct interaction between oxytocin and the fascial network. Furthermore, oxytocin has been shown to influence fascial tension and elasticity, potentially affecting movement patterns, posture, and overall body awareness.


Additionally, oxytocin has been found to modulate the vagus nerve's activity, stimulating the release of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that promotes relaxation and a sense of well-being. This interaction highlights the potential role of oxytocin in regulating the vagus nerve's response to stress, inflammation, and emotional states, ultimately impacting overall physical and emotional health.


The connection between oxytocin, fascia, and the vagus nerve presents a captivating area of study within the realm of human physiology. This link underscores the intricate interplay between neurochemistry, connective tissues, and the autonomic nervous system. Further research and exploration of this fascinating relationship may deepen our understanding of human health, therapeutic interventions, and the complex mechanisms underlying our physical and emotional well-being.

The Triple Vagal Method (TVM) takes a unique approach to healing trauma by recognizing that the human body has its own psychology, informing how it processes emotions and registers sensations. It is grounded in the principles of applied polyvagal theory, utilizing a bottom-up approach to facilitate healing.


TVM acknowledges that emotions and sensations arise from within the body and are intricately connected to the nervous system. By tuning into the body's innate wisdom and intelligence, TVM aims to create profound healing outcomes in a predictable and safe manner.


Through the understanding of polyvagal theory, TVM recognizes that the autonomic nervous system plays a crucial role in regulating our physiological and emotional states. By working with the body's own psychology and engaging the autonomic nervous system, TVM helps individuals tap into their natural healing potential.


This approach emphasizes the importance of tuning into the body's sensations, physiological responses, and nervous system activations to promote healing. By developing a deeper awareness of these bodily processes, individuals can cultivate a greater sense of safety, regulation, and resilience.


The Triple Vagal Method offers a promising path for healing trauma by unlocking the body's own innate ability to heal and restore balance. By honoring the body's psychology and utilizing the principles of applied polyvagal theory, TVM provides a framework for rapid, predictable, and safe results in trauma recovery.


It is important to note that the Triple Vagal Method should be practiced under the guidance of trained and certified practitioners who have a comprehensive understanding of polyvagal theory and the techniques involved in the approach.

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